I have many friends that I grew up with and to tell u the truth if I have a handful thats alot. I always thought that we was always going to be around one another and never go apart. Boy was I wrong about that and many more. I have a friend that I have no
Published on August 7, 2008 By Suhay In Blogging
I just finished reading the article "Back to the beginning of a possible unhappy ending", "Oh how I hate to feel envy", and "The ironies of life" by CharlesCS. To tell you the truth the person he is talking about is me, his wife. It all started on the 1st of August of 2008 when I came home from work wanting to read some articles on the website and I remembered he always wanted me to come to JU to read article and give my two cents. Well that day I couldn't remember my username and password let alone the email i enrolled myself with lol. As soon I figured out my email that I had used to enroll they sent me my username and pswd, so I logged in and clicked where it said "Blogging" and when I read the title of the article "Back to the beginning of a possible unhappy ending" I said that one would be the one I would read first since it caught my attention. So I read the article without knowing who had wrote it until the end when I saw the name CharlesCS I was shocked to know that he felt like that about me. To tell you the truth, I'm no angel either and I regret everything that I have done in my past...Many of you read the articles and I'm not going to deny anything its all true what he said and I already set up a date for counseling and I am just waiting for the day to come to see if we can overcome the past to move on towards the future. I am going to be open minded about this and hope for the best. We have to try and work it out and if we see that it doesn't it will be best for our interest to go our separate ways. I am sorry to say that many people that I've spoken to tells me to stay in the relationship for the kids sake, but I must be sincere I can not be in a relationship that I know I'm not going to be happy just for my kids sake they must understand that if their dad and I go our separate ways its not their fault at all. We will always see each other and visit and all but we (the parents) will not have anything more than friendship. ( I know I am going to get yelled at and critizied for what I have done, go for it i'm all ears and its your opinion and i'm not going to take it too personal either so give it your best shot) Am I wrong for feeling this way?

on Aug 08, 2008

I think unless there is violence in the home that it is better for kids to have an intact family.  I think you owe it to your kids to try to heal your marriage.  You may want to check out -  http://retrouvaille.org/  You have to be careful when you pick a marriage counselor to pick one that is pro-marriage. 

Oh and you might want to edit this article and add some paragraphs.  It makes it much more readable. 

on Aug 08, 2008

Oh and you might want to edit this article and add some paragraphs.  It makes it much more readable.

LOL, she asked me if she needed to fix it too. She used scribefire to post it and did not notice the way she was doing it. It's her first time. LOL.